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Beitrag Nr. 21
9. Aine 10, 17:25

Rang: Auserwählter


Lied von Eis und Feuer ist mit Vorsicht zu genießen. Von Anfang an ist es langweiliger als WOT in den schlechtesten Zeiten, nur fällt das einem nicht so schnell auf. Es steckt voll Gorn, Narm, die Charaktere werfen sich andauernd den IdiotBall zu, usw. Jaime z.B. ist ein Vorzeige-Emo und KarmaHoudini. Ist aber alles Auslegungssache.
Ich finde es weitaus merkwürdiger wenn man Chtulhu nicht kennt, da der Mythos wirklich überall drinsteckt.

Wenn man "realistisch" abstimmen würde, würden am Ende nur Leute wie Gandalf, Rand, Cthulhu, Aslan, Raistlin und Polgara übrigbleiben, die sind nämlich einfach Gewalten des Kosmos/Schöpfung/usw.

ps.:Wer sich fragt wo die ganzen merkwürdigen Worte in meinem Post herkommen: hier
Aber Vorsicht:
Light help us! Light help the world! He lies in the snow and cries like the thunder! He burns like the sun!

[ antworten ]

Beitrag Nr. 22
10. Aine 10, 11:40

Rang: Jumara


Langweilig? Hm. Weniger actionreich, ja, das schon, aber "langweilig"würde ich das nicht nennen.
Und wenn ich an Band 27/28 denke - entschuldige, aber selbst das ödeste Kapitel vom Lied ist um einiges besser als das.
Manchmal tu ich so, als wäre ich normal. Aber dann wird mir langweilig und ich bin wieder ich selbst.

[ antworten ]

Beitrag Nr. 23
10. Aine 10, 16:00

Rang: Kandierter Apfel


Immer schön beim Thema bleiben ;)

Ihr könnt gerne dafür einen eigenen Thread aufmachen.

He came like the wind, like the wind touched everything, and like the wind was gone. - Robert Jordan

[ antworten ]

Beitrag Nr. 24
11. Aine 10, 12:52

Rang: Auserwählter


Ich hab ja extra geschrieben das alles Auslegungssache ist, daher muss man darüber nicht großartig diskutieren, ich habe das schon mit Mitbewohnern und Freunden hinter mir :-)
Light help us! Light help the world! He lies in the snow and cries like the thunder! He burns like the sun!

[ antworten ]

Beitrag Nr. 25
12. Aine 10, 15:47

Rang: Gesalbter



Von Anfang an ist es langweiliger als WOT in den schlechtesten Zeiten, nur fällt das einem nicht so schnell auf.

Das kann nicht dein Ernst sein.
Endloses Röckeglattstreichen, Stirnrunzeln und Getuschel und kapitellanges Töpfeschrubben soll spannender sein als Eis und Feuer?

Wie dem auch sei, ich bin noch unentschlossen, wem von beiden Charakteren ich den Vorzug gebe.
Allerdings glaube ich nicht, dass es auf meine eine Stimme ankommt.

Männer folgen nun mal keinen Titeln. Nur dem Mut folgen sie.

[ antworten ]

Beitrag Nr. 26
12. Aine 10, 17:25

Rang: Lord


Ok Endspurt, Rand ist hinten also los Leute und sagt Nebel nichts.
Die Stiefel. Es geht nur um die Stiefel.

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Beitrag Nr. 27
12. Aine 10, 17:30

Rang: Jumara


Ja, los Leute und sagt Nebel nichts :D

*schön sein Kreuzchen an der richtigen Stelle macht* ^^
Manchmal tu ich so, als wäre ich normal. Aber dann wird mir langweilig und ich bin wieder ich selbst.

[ antworten ]

Beitrag Nr. 28
13. Aine 10, 20:06

Rang: Kandierter Apfel


51% für Rand, das wird ein ganz knappes Ergebnis, wenn das so weitergeht.

Also, AracheonoXis, vielleicht kommt es doch auf dich an?

Und Nebelleuchte: Ich degradier dich vom Jumara zur Biteme, wenn du das versaust ;)

He came like the wind, like the wind touched everything, and like the wind was gone. - Robert Jordan

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Beitrag Nr. 29
14. Aine 10, 08:19

Barid Cham Aellinsar
Rang: Kandierter Apfel


Das sagt Brandon Sanderson zu dem Kampf:
All right, since George Martin has been such a terribly good sport about the cage match, I figured I should step up and do likewise.

Before I start, though, I should say that don’t feel right writing in Rand’s viewpoint. I feel only Mr. Jordan could have done that in this situation. To write from Rand’s viewpoint would be to take one step toward appropriating Mr. Jordan’s characters as my own, which is a line I do not want to cross. I realize it probably sounds like a foolish distinction, but I do not want to begin thinking that I can do anything I want with these characters.

Perhaps later I will decide to do some kind of write-up from one of my own characters, but for now, we’ll go with this.

Now, it looks like Jaime and Tyrion tricked Rand into coming onto THEIR turf, without help, to face them. Um. Okay. That’s why I get for going away to a convention over the weekend and not paying attention. But really, Rand? On THEIR turf? Blast.

That makes things more difficult. Or does it? Arguments for Rand winning are below.

POINT ONE: Rand bends fate.

Mythology in the Wheel of Time universe indicates that all worlds are part of a potential multiverse, with infinite possibilities existing as shadows of one another. That means it’s credible to assume that ASoIaF and WoT take place within the realm of the same multiverse. (Okay, that’s probably a given, since if Rand and Jaime are going to fight in the first place.)

So why make a point of it? Because of this: Rand’s ta’veren nature should STILL WORK. After all, Jaime himself implies that Rand will still have balefire–which means he can draw upon the One Power while in the AsoIaF world. So this is all part of the Pattern.

Rand being ta’veren means that fate bends around him. The fabric of the universe wants him to survive this battle, otherwise the world (in fact, the multiverse itself) might end.

Now, Jaime (with Tyrion helping him) is clever, devious, and even brilliant. But if fate itself wants Rand to win, he’s going to have real trouble.

POINT TWO: Rand is virtually a demigod.

At this point in the Wheel of Time chronology, Rand has grown in skill, power, and ability to the point that he could be considered akin to a deity. In the last book he quite held enough power in his hands that, by his estimation, he could have destroyed an entire world, and maybe creation itself.

GRRM’s characters–Jaime and Tyrion included–have a lot of things going for them, but in the end they’re mere mortals. Rand will go into this battle wrapped in weaves of the One Power. He’ll be able to kill at the blink of an eye. Assuming George doesn’t reach into the Wild Cards universe or something like that for Jaime’s helpers (which he might do) his characters will be left without much in the way of super powers.

Rand begins by opening a gateway, ducking through to a safe location, then turns and lets loose with enough firepower to level New York.

POINT THREE: All of Rand’s friends will come anyway.

Yes, Rand said he’ll do this on his own. But really, he’s been doing that sort of thing for twelve books now, and when has anyone ever listened? I figure that all of his friends will do what they usually do and ignore him.

Mat will sneak through a gateway early and get Tyrion raving drunk so that he can’t help out. (And he’ll try his best to do the same for Jaime.)

Nynaeve and Elayne will come to help, ready to use the One Power to protect Rand from his own wool-headedness. Perrin will come to fight, as will Aviendha, ready to fight at Rand’s side whether he wants it or not. And we’ll throw Logain into the mix to facilitate a circle.

I figure that at some point–maybe even from the get-go–Rand will be set up in a Circle with Nynaeve, Avi, Elayne, and Logain. There will be enough energy level an army or twenty.

And finally, since I’m allowed, I’ll bring Hoid along. He’ll be watching from the crowd. And he’s not likely to let Rand lose.

POINT FOUR: Who’s more fragile?

My final point is probably the most important here. Rand and Jaime actually have a surprising number of things in common, down to their missing hands. But one thing is very different. Jaime is in the hands of George R. R. Martin–a genius writer known for making you fall in love with his characters, then killing them in brutal ways.

That’s right, I’m playing my ace in the hole, also known as “the meta-game card.”

People started out hating Jaime, but now he’s grown strikingly sympathetic. That means he’s toast. Tell me, you GRRM fans. Do you REALLY think Jaime is going to survive the next few ASoIaF books? Ask yourselves, deep in your hearts, who is more fragile?

Let’s look at the next books in the respective series. Things seem good for Rand. He’s got to get to the Last Battle–where, admittedly, his life will be in real danger. But chances are low that he’ll die in the penultimate book without facing his destiny at Tarmon Gai’don. (No promises, of course, about TOWERS OF MIDNIGHT. I’m just speaking from the general momentum of the previous books.)

What about Jaime? Any ultimate destiny there? How many times have you been reading a GRRM book, thinking, “There’s no way HE will die,” only to find his blood splattered on the walls in the very next chapter?

Jaime lives in a brutal, brutal world. I think Rand’s got to win this one by default. Heck, it’s really more of a compliment to Mr. Martin to make sure that Jaime is killed in a wickedly cool, gut-wrenching, horrible way.

- Brandon Sanderson

„I thought you saidar-ed it.” - Mat Cauthon

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Beitrag Nr. 30
14. Aine 10, 12:04

Joar Addam
Rang: Kandierter Apfel


"Heck, it’s really more of a compliment to Mr. Martin to make sure that Jaime is killed in a wickedly cool, gut-wrenching, horrible way."

So true...
Let Darkness receive my every breath, with her own - Let our lives speak in answer unto death, never alone

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